Great benefits of dragon fruit .Many of you may already know that fruits and vegetables are all good for your health. And there are some fruits that are flattered as a super food that can be eaten with great benefits, whether it be star fruit, pomegranate or avocado. Even an unusual fruit shapes both the outer and inner flesh like a dragon fruit. It is one of the best fruits for health as well. And today we are going to reiterate clearly the outstanding benefits of the dragon fruit that has not been seen to be missed. It is good for children and good for adults as well that you must have it in the house. Let’s see all the health benefits that you can get from these super fruits.

1. Excellent sugar control.

Dragon fruit is reputed to be a fruit that is high in fiber. Which fiber is an important nutrient that helps to control blood sugar levels and help reduce hypoglycemia inversely. It is suitable as a fruit for diabetics especially. But even so, it is best to be under the guidance of a doctor. Because if you eat too much, it can cause dangerously low blood sugar levels.

2. Nourish hair.

Dragon fruit juice is another secret formula that helps maintain healthy color-treated hair. Just mix dragon fruit juice into hair conditioner or treatment. Marinate and then rinse. It will help open the hair follicles on the head and make the hair glands open. Helps your hair to be fully nourished.

3. Relieve arthritis, reduce pain.

Arthritis in addition to causing pain to the patient and also makes it impossible to move easily. And the dragon fruit has anti-inflammatory effects. Eating dragon fruit can help reduce inflammation and joint pain.

4. Face mask to reduce acne breakouts.

Who said the dragon fruit could only eat, the dragon fruit can also be cut into sheets and masked on your face. Which fruits that are rich in vitamin C, it can help prevent acne, and make the skin smooth, soft and moisturized. It can help reduce wrinkles that occur before age. And if you want to get the best results, you have to mask with dragon fruit at least twice a day and rinse it off.

5. Treat sunburn.

For young men and women who like to sunbathe or need to stay in the sun for a long time until they get a sunburn. Dragon fruit can help heal the sunburned area as well as using aloe vera. Because dragon fruit contains vitamin B3 that moisturizes the burned area and also helps reduce the heat of the wound as well.

6. Maintain heart health for longevity.

The dragon fruit has another great benefit. It helps to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood and helps increase the level of good cholesterol in the body. It is also a fruit that contains monounsaturated fats. Which is considered to be a very healthy fat as well.

7. Reduce wrinkles.

Eating dragon fruit rich in antioxidants can make your skin firm and look younger than your age without needing any moisturizer. Or if you want to get more benefits mix the dragon fruit with honey and apply it to your face mask as well.

8. Increase the activity of antioxidants.

Free radicals in the body are the culprits in inflammation and can cause cancer cells in the body. Therefore, eating foods that contain antioxidants are really good for your health. In which the dragon fruit is loaded with antioxidants.

9. Low calories, good for on diet people.

Approximately 200 grams of dragon fruit contains only 60 grams of calories, which is quite a few. It also contains many nutrients that are good for the body so it is suitable for people who are losing weight. It can be eaten as a snack or it can be added to a salad that is eaten as a main meal.

10. Cures cough with the value of vitamin C.

Coughs are caused by the common cold. It’s a very annoying symptom, isn’t it? Let us tell you that in addition to taking the medication prescribed by the doctor. If you eat a dragon fruit that is high in vitamin C as well it will help strengthen the immune system. And help reduce respiratory tract infections anyway.

The benefits of the dragon fruit are so cool. But do not forget to supplement other benefits with fruits and other foods as well. Because even if it is a super food, eating alone is not good either.