Fruit for people with gastritis

Fruit for people with gastritis .What can you eat that will help relieve a burning sensation? Help coating the stomach to relieve pain. The main symptom of gastritis is a burning sensation, either when hungry or when you are full. Which is the stinginess that causes us to suffer. Some people even have to find something to eat to help coat their stomach to relieve symptoms. As for what kind of healthy fruit for people with gastritis we will show you in this article, but first let’s check if we really have gastritis.

What is gastritis?

Gastritis refers to an ulcer that occurs in the gastric mucosa, where it comes in contact with the gastric juice of the stomach. Gastric ulcers can be caused by a number of reasons, such as poor resistance to gastric acidity, stress, unhealthy eating behaviors, not eating on time, drinking alcohol, smoking, or even taking aspirin or anti-inflammatory pain relievers on a regular basis. Including helicobacter pylori infection from eating food that has been infected in the stomach. And the infection moves into the cells lining the stomach causing stomach ulcers. And may increase the risk of stomach cancer

The symptoms of stomach disease.

The symptoms of stomach disease

1. Abdominal pain in the area under the epiglottis, which is persistent and persistent.

2. Having stomach pain before eating or after eating.

3. If there is a duodenal ulcer Usually there is abdominal pain 1-3 hours after meals or abdominal pain on an empty stomach.

4. Have more abdominal pain in the afternoon, evening, or late night, but will be alleviated when eating, drinking, or taking antacids.

5. Pain, stinging, tightness, nausea, belching, which can confuse gastritis and GERD.

If you have any of the above symptoms what you should do is not eat too much food in one meal but to eat less and add to 4-5 meals a day. Including eating foods that are high in fiber, such as fruits and vegetables, more fruits that will help alleviate the symptoms of gastritis.

1. Banana.

The benefits of bananas can help relieve gastritis in many ways. Bananas are held in order to provide the body with soluble fiber. That will aid in the absorption of the gastric wall. Heal stomach ulcers to heal faster. In addition, bananas contain a special substance that stimulates cell division in the stomach. Strengthens the stomach, better acid resistance. Also in bananas there is tryptophan which is an essential amino acid that, when ingested, the body converts to serotonin. Neurotransmitters that stimulate the stomach to build up the natural mucous membranes that coat the ulcer. Reduce the burning sensation and irritation of the stomach. And serotonin can also help relieve stress and helps to sleep better as well.

However people with gastritis should not eat bananas on an empty stomach. Because bananas contain carbohydrates that the body needs to digest in order to convert starches into sugar. Which the body will release a lot of gastric juice and can cause a person to suffer from gastritis or exacerbation of GERD. 

2. Papaya.

Papaya is a fruit that is good for the digestive system. In addition, papaya contains soluble dietary fiber. Including beta-carotene and vitamin C that help heal stomach ulcers. Make the wound heal faster and help prevent infection and papaya can also aid in excretion as well.

3. Apple.

If you want pectin to coat your stomach. Enhance the immune system to make the gastric mucosa resistant to gastric acid. So eat an apple to alleviate the stinging symptoms of stomach ailments.

4. Cantaloupe.

Cantaloupe is a fruit that is high in beta-carotene. Helps prevent gastritis and accelerate stomach ulcers to heal faster. In addition, cantaloupe contains a lot of vitamin C. It is a fruit that can help prevent stomach infections as well.

5. Guava.

Guava contains a lot of tannins. In addition, the ripe fruit of guava is also high in pectin fiber and high in vitamin C. It contains important nutrients that help maintain our stomach very well, so eating guava can help heal wounds and reduce inflammation of the stomach and intestines.

6. Noni.

Noni is notable for helping with acid reflux and it also helps speed up the healing process of stomach ulcers. Reduce the acute inflammation of the stomach from alcohol.

7. Amla.

Amla is a fruit that contains vitamin C, about 20 times higher than oranges. Also, amla is a fruit that has a bitter astringent taste and it helps to heal wounds and reduce excess acid in the stomach. Also, amla juice can help relieve heartburn as well.

The fruit that people with stomach disease or stomach ulcers should not eat is Citrus fruits, such as oranges, tamarinds, lemons, gooseberries, and acidic fruits like pineapples, which can cause stomach irritation. In addition, you should avoid all kinds of fermented fruits such as pickled guava, pickled mango.