Gastritis disease can happen to everyone. Especially with the people who may not eat on time or people with a stress from work that results in the aggravation of gastric acid leading to symptoms of gastritis. Now we will present 10 foods to help you cure gastritis to you belows

10 foods to help you cure gastritis

Which most of the treatment for stomach disease will receive antacids Gastric ulcer coating medication. Some people say it’s too hard to eat, whether it’s the tablet type that needs to be chewed or the astringent liquid on the tongue. Today we will offer you some of the information of the foods that can benefit you with the treatment for stomach disease. That can actually help alleviate symptoms.

1. Turmeric.

Turmeric essential oils have benefits to relieve abdominal pain such as flatulence or colic. So turmeric is commonly used to heal stomach ulcers, cleansing the intestines and cure stomach disease. Turmeric can also nourish that organ, through the throat to help expel dust mites in the throat, to help the lungs breathe better and help reduce spleen fat. It will help to heal the stomach ulcer and help heal the ulcer in the intestine. And it will nourish the liver by degreasing the liver also.

2. Aloe vera.

Fresh jelly of aloe vera has properties to help heal stomach ulcers as well. How to use it? First you have to pick the bottom leaf and rinse it thoroughly. Next peel the green skin off and wash off the yellow latex completely. Because it may irritate the skin and it can cause allergic reactions. Then scrape out clear jelly and eat 2 times a day.

3. Okra.

Okra is herb that can help heal stomach ulcers. In 2004, research found that Glycosylated compounds which contain polysaccharides and glycoproteins in okra has an inhibitory effect on the ability of bacteria Helicobacter pylori in the adhesion of the gastric epithelium. This bacteria itself is the major cause of stomach ulcers.

4. Noni.

Even noni has a bitter taste but they also have outstanding properties to help treat GERD better. But the effects of using noni to treat GERD are also good for the stomach. Because noni substances will accelerate the healing of stomach ulcers. It also reduces the acute inflammation of the stomach due to the influence of alcohol.

5. Plaunoi.

Plaunoi is an herb that contains diterpene alcohol that has a good healing effect on stomach ulcers. And can also heal stomach ulcers because it can stimulate the production of lost intestinal tissue and make stomach ulcers to heal faster. Ii also has properties to help reduce gastric acid secretion as well. By using the young leaves to dry, ground thoroughly and bring to a boil or brew drinking water.

6. Banana blossom.

Banana blossom is not just a breast milk nourishing herb. But it also has the effect of helping to heal stomach ulcers as well. We can use it by burning it and then squeezed only the juice out. And drink it before meals continuously for 3 days, the symptoms of gastritis may be cured.

7. Amla.

Amla has a sour, astringent and bitter taste. The amla also has properties to help heal stomach ulcers. Reduce excess stomach acid and nourishes many parts of the body including the stomach.

8. Bananas.

The banana contains serotonin. Which is a substance that inhibits the secretion of gastric juice of the stomach and stimulates the small intestine to squeeze more thus helping to heal stomach ulcers. Just take the whole mature raw banana (and peel), wash it with water and cut it into thin slices and spread it into the tray and dry them under the sun. After it is completely dry then put them in a mortar thoroughly and pound it. Then store into a wide-mouthed jar with a tight lid. When using it, use 2 tablespoons each time mixed with a glass of water and keep drinking it after every meal. It will help improve symptoms.

9. Guava.

Guava contains a lot of tannins. This substance has an astringent effect. And tannins in guava also inhibit the spread of pathogens. It helps heal the stomach and intestines by helping to reduce inflammation of the stomach and intestines and help reduce nausea and vomiting. there also helps the symptoms of intestinal stiffness. It can relieve stomach pain. Therefore, anyone with stomach disease can eat guava to help to relieve the symptoms.

10. Cabbage.

Vegetables like cabbage are high in vitamin C. In addition, cabbage contains the nutrient glutamine that stimulates the stomach to build up the lining of the stomach wall quickly. Makes ulcers in the stomach and intestines heal quickly. Therefore it can be used as food in the treatment of gastritis as well. By the way, it is recommended to eat fresh or squeezed cabbage juice and drink. Which will retain the nutritional value better than being cooked.

If you are suffering from gastritis and don’t want to take any medicine. So these 10 foods to treat gastritis would be another good choice for you and it is worth trying it out.